
Dr. Wang is the director of the NetMedia.Sys lab. Her lab conducts research at the intersection of computing and networking, with the goal of bridging the gap between these interfaces in both network and multimedia systems. The team delivers innovative solutions to enhance Quality-of-Service (QoS) for service providers and Quality-of-Experience (QoE) for end users. We have produced 5 pieces of software, including the Brightshare app (a COVID-19 tracking app) and four open-source projects for research communities, and >60 publications in top journals and conferences (in my field, conferences are the preferred publication venue due to rapid technology advancements).

Dr. Wang’s is currently leading the transdisciplinary research in digital accessibility as a University of Calgary Research Excellence Chair, with the goal to improve accessibilities of physical spaces and inclusivity of neurodivergent people.  The technology advancements from this work have a wide range of applications in health, education, and social science.